Creative Self-Development

Creative Self-Development

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The Ultimate Guide on How to Sleep Amazingly Well Every Single Night

How to have the best sleep every night so you have the most energy possible during the day and also reduce stress, anxiety and depression

I have done the biggest research on how to sleep spectacularly. This is the best information that exists on this subject. I’m going to share with you the ultimate guide on how to sleep incredibly amazing every single night.

The room that you are sleeping in should be as dark as possible

Ideally completely dark. Cover your windows so light doesn’t come in. If there are any other light leaks, cover them up as well. Also, cover up devices that emit light. Alternatively, you could use a sleep mask, but many people find it uncomfortable and some people find themselves taking the mask off while they are sleeping. It's up to you which is more comfortable, either block all lights in the room or wear a sleep mask.

Darkness signals to your body to produce melatonin, the hormone that helps you fall asleep and also synchronizes your circadian rhythm with the external day and night cycle, which makes your sleep better.

The room you sleep in should be cool

In the summer, use air conditioning to lower the temperature. Cover up with a blanket and with your head exposed to that low temperature, test which temperature is the lowest and most comfortable for you. I do the following, my nose is my thermometer, I lower the temperature until my nose is too cold and then I increase the temperature a little bit and that’s the best temperature for me to sleep. The blanket should be only as thick as it needs to be so you are cool but comfortable. In the winter, if your nose gets cold, use a heater to raise the temperature only as much as it’s needed so your nose is not cold. Coolness at night, just like darkness, signals to your body to produce melatonin and also regulates your circadian rhythm, making you sleep better.

Using a weighted blanket

So since you are gonna use a blanket why not use a weighted blanket? What? A weighted blanket is a blanket that is heavier than a normal blanket. Covering up with a weighted blanket, feeling the gentle pressure on your body reduces anxiety and stress. It calms you down and makes you sleep better. (link below for the best weighted blankets)

Minimizing EMFs

When you are sleeping minimize your exposure to EMFs. EMFs stress the body and reduce melatonin production which is the opposite of what we want. So reduce your exposure as much as possible when you are sleeping.

Turn off the Wi-Fi on your router or turn off the router. Put your phone on airplane mode and have it far away from you. Put all electrical cables far away from your bed. Turn off wall sockets and any devices that are not needed or if they are needed, put them as far away from your bed as possible. And put your bed far away from the walls because walls have wires in them and also wall sockets

Do grounding while sleeping

Do grounding while you are sleeping which can calm the nervous system, lower cortisol levels, reduce stress and regulate your circadian rhythm. If you have never heard about grounding this is gonna sound a little bit weird. Grounding means connecting your body with a wire that is connected to the earth to get electrons from the earth and synchronize with the earth’s frequency. This is a little bit more complicated, so I will talk more about it in another video (Subscribe)

Lower the noise

Use earplugs to lower the noise so it’s quieter, (link below for the best ones, where is it? In the description) and also use some white noise to mask any remaining sounds. If you are using an air purifier or air conditioning, then that’s similar to white noise, so you won’t need to add any extra white noise

Sleeping alone vs. with a partner

If you sleep with a partner that goes to sleep and wakes up at different times or snores or sings or screams during the night, or makes any other sounds like yawning loudly or talking while sleeping or is moving around, twisting and turning and dancing in the bed or kicking you, or taking the blankets away from you, or stealing your pillow, or leaving you very little space on the bed or getting up and going to the toilet, if any of these things wake you up or make it more difficult for you to fall asleep, then sleeping alone would make you sleep better. You can love each other during the day and sleep alone during the night. You will be able to love your partner more if you have more energy and are happier. And this also applies if you have a pet that is sleeping with you that snores or sings during the night. Some people sleep better with a partner and some sleep better when alone. Choose what is best for you

Sun exposure in the morning

In the morning, have 30 minutes of direct sunlight exposure while being outside. 30 minutes is the preferred amount but even if you do it for 5 minutes it’s better than nothing. If you don’t want to go outside or if there is not much sunlight, then use a light therapy lamp. Have also a few hours of indirect sunlight throughout the day either outside or inside through a window. Sunlight or full-spectrum light from a light therapy lamp signals to your body that it's daytime, which regulates your circadian rhythm and in turn helps you sleep better at night. It also increases serotonin in the body, the neurotransmitter that makes you feel happier. And it also suppresses melatonin, which helps you be more alert and energetic

Exercising during the day

Doing exercise during the day is another thing that helps you sleep better at night. It elevates your body temperature, which is associated with the daytime body temperature that is higher than at night, so it also regulates your circadian rhythm. Exercise also reduces stress, anxiety and depression, which also helps you sleep better. It also makes you feel more physically tired at the end of the day, which also helps you fall asleep and sleep better. A good combination is to do exercise in the morning outside and get also the sunlight exposure. If you prefer to do exercise in the afternoon then you can do some light exercise in the morning like going for a walk outside in the sun. If you do intense exercise in the afternoon, it should be done at least 3 hours before you go to sleep so your body can lower its temperature, reduce stress hormones and relax the muscles. Moderate intensity workouts should be done at least 90 minutes before sleep. And light exercise can be done 30 minutes before sleep. Experiment and see what is the best time for you to exercise.

Caffeine and alcohol

If you drink anything with caffeine do it earlier in the daytime and not in the afternoon and evening, as caffeine is a stimulant that can keep you awake at night and also cause less deep sleep.

Drinking alcohol before sleep also decreases sleep quality making you feel tired the next day


Keep naps no more than 20 minutes. Napping for longer times can negatively affect your circadian rhythm

Have a consistent sleeping time

Go to sleep at the same time and get up at the same time every day. Also on the days when you don't have to get up at a certain time. This way your circadian rhythm remains stable. If you are changing the times you go to sleep and get up, you will mess up your circadian rhythm and then you will not sleep well and then you will be more tired during the day.

How long you should sleep

Sleep enough hours each night. Each person needs different amounts of sleep. To find out how many hours of sleep you need, you can do the following experiment: Go to sleep each night a little bit earlier or a little bit later until you wake up a few minutes before the alarm goes off. That’s the amount of time that you personally need to sleep. The amount of time humans need to sleep can range between 6 and 11 hours.

Go to sleep at the best time for you

The best time for you to sleep is determined by your synchronized circadian rhythm and your genetics. To find out which is the best time for you specifically to sleep, first synchronize your circadian rhythm by doing the things that I mention in this video. Then find out how many hours you need to sleep by doing the experiment I mentioned before. And then, experiment by going to sleep and waking up a little bit earlier or a little bit later and find out which sleep time makes you have the most energy and feel the best during the day.

While doing the experiment, always give your self a few days to adjust for the time change and follow what your intuition tells you about which times to test to go to sleep.

After you have found the best time, go to sleep at that time consistently every night.

If you don’t want to do this experiment, just buy a wearable sleep tracker that will tell you exactly what the best time is for you to sleep. Link below for the best ones.

For most people, the best time to go to sleep is between 10 and 11. If you are an owl, it’s 11 or later. If you are a little bird, it’s 10 or earlier.

For owls, the physiological changes that happen before sleep like the release of melatonin and the lowering of core body temperature, happen later compared to the average person. And the release of cortisol that happens before you wake up also happens later.

That’s why if you are an owl, you will sleep better when you go to sleep and wake up later. And for little birds these physiological changes happen earlier.

If you find out that the best time for you to go to sleep and wake up interferes with the time you have to wake up to work, and you cannot push your work time for later, then the amount of sleep you need has priority here. So, If, let’s say, you need 8 hours of sleep, and the best time for you to sleep, if you could wake up at any time you wanted, is at 11 pm, and you have to wake up at 6 am, then your best time to go to sleep is at 10 pm, even though, based on your genetics, it’s at 11 pm.

When to eat before you sleep

Time your last meal of the day so that when you go to sleep, you have mostly digested the food, but you are not hungry yet. If you are hungry before you go to sleep, you can eat a tiny healthy snack. If you are someone who is used to fasting and can sleep well without eating, then that's also ok. It depends on the person.

When to drink water

Drink more water in the beginning of the day and slowly decrease the consumption of liquids towards the end of the day so you don’t need to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. Of course if you exercise later during the day then you drink during and after the exercise but that should be not close to bedtime like I mentioned before.

Block blue light

Wear glasses that block blue light 2 hours before you go to sleep. Blue light is the most responsible for blocking melatonin release and we need melatonin to sleep well.

Humans in ancient times never had strong light at night before they would go to sleep, so if you are looking at screens or using artificial lighting at night, your body thinks it’s still daytime, so it wont release melatonin in your body. So If you are gonna use artificial light 2 hours before you sleep, which, who doesn’t, then at least block the blue light frequencies and turn the intensity of as many lights down so you get some melatonin going on in your body.

Heat therapy before going to sleep

A warm bath, shower, sauna or steam bath can help you relax, which helps you sleep well. But do it 90 minutes before you go to sleep so your body has time to cool down again. As we talked earlier, you sleep better when your body is a little bit cooler than it is during the day.

Which supplements to take

You can take some supplements that help with relaxation and sleep. Check the link below for the best ones.

Massage and sexual activity

A massage and some sexual activity with a partner can also relax you and give you some feel-good chemicals that will help you sleep better.

Meditation and slow deep breathing

Do a meditation with slow, deep breathing. This will relax you and calm you down. And while you are doing the meditation you can listen to binaural beats and synchronize your brainwaves with the deep sleep delta waves.

Now pee and go to sleep


If you are not gonna go to sleep right now check out this

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Added By: Creative
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Added On: 18th November, 2024

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